How to repurpose old content tips

How To Repurpose Old Content: The SUP Strategy

Are you feeling stuck and lacking creativity and ideas when it comes to content creation? If the answer is YES, you’re in the right place! We are going to share with you the SUP strategy aka top ways how to repurpose old content. Keep reading!

One of the easiest ways to come up with new content is *drum roll* to repurpose old content! That’s right, repurposing old(er) content is absolutely fine! More than fine actually; it’s a great way to burst that creative block. You’ll be able to reach a whole new audience, readers who’ve missed it the first time have a new chance to view it, and you have new content! It’s a win-win situation.

With that in mind, here’s our very own SUP strategy which will teach you how to repurpose old content and help you on your creator’s journey. Let’s go!

SUP Strategy: How To Repurpose Old Content
  • Snippets of your old content! Don’t be afraid to go over your previously created and shared content and choose snippets that either were popular with your audience or ones you think deserve a second share.
  • User-generated content! Share content you love by other like-minded creators and small businesses, repost information you feel it’s important for your audience, or post client reviews and testimonials. The latter are an awesome way to help increase your credibility.
  • Photo content! Share a new photo you took and add an older caption when posting to social media. This way you have both new content and a chance to re-share information that is still relevant today.

There you have it! Our top ways how to repurpose old content, guaranteed to help you come up with new engaging content for your social media and blog. So if you ever feel stuck and lack ideas, remember the SUP strategy: Snippets, User-generated content, and Photos!

For the video version of this post, head over to our Instagram to watch!

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